Dimpleknowe Conventicle
NGR - NT 503227
Dimpleknowe is a farm located on a minor road linking Ashkirk with Lilliesleaf, on the south side of the Ale Water.
Dimpleknowe Conventicle Site
A number of conventicles were held in the valley of the Ale Water, adjacent to Dimpleknowe farm. The site was chosen as the Ale Water and Hermiston Burn forms the boundary between Roxburghshire and Selkirkshire, so depending on which Sheriff of the county was seeking out the conventicles, resulted in the services being held on one side of the stream or the other.
In 1677 an armed band of dragoons came upon a group of unarmed Covenanters at a service here. The officer of the drgoons, on seeing that no harm would befall the soldiers, instructed his men to retire and leave them in peace. The officer was later cashiered for his actions.
It is said that Rev John Blackader preached here on at least one occasion, and when soldiers approached he had a grey shepherd's cloak thrown around him, and a blue bonnet placed on his head. He remained undetected and escaped.